Yes, Vaping is better than Smoking Cigarettes!

Did you know? Vaping is totally different to smoking cigarettes! Swapping over to premium E-liquid vaping lowers the risk of lung cancer, inability to breathe and can help prevent respiratory diseases.

Undoubtedly, there are a lot of blind myths about vaping- due to this people often condemn it. So, do you want to know how vaping is better than smoking a cigarette? Well, first of all- it is vapor not smoke, nothing is burned to create carcinogens.


Want to know more? Let’s find out how vaping is better than smoking, and how can vaping help you even quit this bad habit:

Yes, Smoking Kills: This bad habit of smoking cigarettes stand as one of the largest cause of death and diseases. Studies reveal that there is a tobacco-related death about every minute, adding up to more than 50 deaths.

Vaping Doesn’t Smell Like Cigarette: If you or anybody you know has this habit of smoking- can tell how bad the stench of a cigarette is. Cigarette smoke seeps all over you- making you smell so bad that people may turn away.

Meanwhile, the Mouth-To-Lung Vapers is steam and has a sweet, pleasant smell. Some even contain the aroma of baked goods- that smells way better than a cigarette.

Start Getting Healthier Right Away: About 8 hours after you quit smoking, you will start feeling better right away. It is because your body will start relieving carbon monoxide- which has been the main reason behind low blood oxygen level and reduced amount of fitness.

Lower down the Risk of Lung Cancer: Swapping over to vaping can help your lungs breathe-free. And within 10 years or more, your chances of contracting lung cancer will drop significantly.

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